Business Accelerator University

Greg Guy

Sensei-Professor S.M.E.

What is Business Accelerator University?

Is it a building?

No, the learning occurs wherever the Sensei-Professor is teaching.

We provide a bridge for individuals and businesses to connect to knowledge and skills that will enhance all aspects of their profession and lives.

a red bridge across the water depicting a connection and pathway to successful communication and learning.

The Objective of our University is to foster and teach faster, easier, safer, Best Practices & Teamwork for business and organizations.

An open chair at a bamboo table inviting the student to sit and learn from the master
an open invitation to sit and learn from the Sensei-Professor

Who is Greg Guy?

A “Professor” or Sensei for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Top Employees, and Sales Professionals. Greg provides hand crafted & individually customized, intense education & training based on the industry, company, and specific needs of each student. Have Dojo will travel. AND available during & after School: unlimited calls, texts and emails for Q&A…Forever.